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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008317Rocky Linux Build SystemGeneralpublic2025-01-09 06:51
ReporterJohn Fuller Assigned ToNeil Hanlon  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
OSRocky LinuxOS Version9 
Summary0008317: Missing Errata since 30 September 2024
DescriptionAppears that there has not been any Errata updates published to the updateinfo.xml repository files since 30 September 2024 within either the recently vaulted 9.4 or the just-released 9.5.

It is in direct conflict with which appears to have all of the updated information. This information is very handy for compliance reporting.
Steps To Reproduce1. Downloaded
2. Extracted XML file and ran it through a parser.
3. There are 96818 lines in the file, pulled all lines with "issued date", which yields 2159 hits. This value is equal to the number of Erratas in my management server.
4. The final line with an "issued date" string is line 96742 which has a value of <issued date="2024-09-30 14:31:43" />
Additional InformationErrata updates has been consistently been weeks behind since August 2024. It does eventually catch-up but something does seem off-kilter. I do not see the same behaviour with the EPEL erratas.
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-23 14:04 John Fuller New Issue
2024-11-23 14:04 John Fuller Status new => assigned
2024-11-23 14:04 John Fuller Assigned To => Neil Hanlon
2024-12-05 14:59 Neil Hanlon Project Mattermost => Rocky Linux Build System
2024-12-05 14:59 Neil Hanlon Category Accounts => General