View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005809Rocky-Linux-8bashpublic2024-02-22 01:06
ReporterWiFi NoYo Assigned ToBrian Clemens  
Status closedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Platformx86_64OSLinuxOS VersionRocky8.9
Summary0005809: bug that the return value of shell variable is empty
echo media > /tmp/1.txt
tmp=$(sed -n 1p /tmp/1.txt)
echo $tmp # return media
echo $tmp as #return asia
hope return media as
Steps To Reproduce```shell
echo media > /tmp/1.txt
tmp=$(sed -n 1p /tmp/1.txt)
echo $tmp # return media
echo $tmp as #return asia
hope return media as
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Brian Clemens

Brian Clemens

2024-02-22 00:39

QA   ~0006073

Cannot reproduce on Rocky Linux 8.9. `echo $tmp as` properly returns `media as`.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-02-21 05:40 WiFi NoYo New Issue
2024-02-22 00:39 Brian Clemens Note Added: 0006073
2024-02-22 01:06 Brian Clemens Assigned To => Brian Clemens
2024-02-22 01:06 Brian Clemens Status new => assigned
2024-02-22 01:06 Brian Clemens Status assigned => closed
2024-02-22 01:06 Brian Clemens Resolution open => unable to reproduce