View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004423Rocky-Linux-9[Repo] Extraspublic2023-11-20 17:16
ReporterEdgar Fernández Assigned ToLouis Abel  
Status closedResolutionnot fixable 
OSRocky LinuxOS Version9 
Summary0004423: error updating repositories
Descriptionrun sudo dnf update the epel release repository has the problem with the dependency
Steps To Reproducerun sudo dnf update the epel release repository has the problem with the dependency
TagsNo tags attached.
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Akemi Yagi

Akemi Yagi

2023-10-13 02:01

reporter   ~0004885

I see :
 Problem: conflicting requests
  - nothing provides toilet needed by caca-utils-0.99-0.69.beta20.el9.x86_64

You have to report this issue to EPEL. They are supposed to provide the "toilet" package.
Louis Abel

Louis Abel

2023-11-20 17:16

administrator   ~0005185

Closing as this is an EPEL related issue. Please report your issue to the EPEL maintainers if this is still an issue you are facing.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-10-12 17:01 Edgar Fernández New Issue
2023-10-12 17:01 Edgar Fernández File Added: Screenshot from 2023-10-12 10-58-57.png
2023-10-13 02:01 Akemi Yagi Note Added: 0004885
2023-11-20 17:16 Louis Abel Assigned To => Louis Abel
2023-11-20 17:16 Louis Abel Status new => closed
2023-11-20 17:16 Louis Abel Resolution open => not fixable
2023-11-20 17:16 Louis Abel Note Added: 0005185