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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004028Account ServicesGeneralpublic2023-09-02 03:50
ReporterPaul Newell Assigned ToLouis Abel  
Status feedbackResolutionreopened 
Summary0004028: yum/dnf thinks clamav-freshclam obsolete but no documentation at ClamAV of such
DescriptionOn a fully updated Rock 9.2 system, I run yum/dnf check-updates in the evening of 28aug23. It tells me that a new clamav is available and that it is obsoleting freshclam. There is no notice of freshclam being obsoleted at clamav website or anywhere online. Given freshclam is the way the database/signatures get updated, this strikes me as "this doesn't feel right". Given that Clamav site has nothing, I am wondering if these is something in the packaging for dnf/yum that isn't right

Screenshot of what I am seeing included.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance
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Attached Files
yum_check-update_28aug23.png (105,608 bytes)   
yum_check-update_28aug23.png (105,608 bytes)   


Louis Abel

Louis Abel

2023-08-30 00:14

administrator   ~0004461

This behavior appears to be normal. - clamav-freshclam (which is the name of the package) obsoletes clamav-update, which was the original name of the package. This makes sure that clamav-update is sufficiently replaced by clamav-freshclam.

The clamav packages are not provided by Rocky Linux. They are provided by EPEL. Further questions about clamav (and other EPEL packages) should come here: - General Rocky Linux questions should come here:

Closing as not a bug.
Paul Newell

Paul Newell

2023-09-02 03:50

reporter   ~0004492


The only reason I am re-opening this case is to thank you for explaining what is going on. I have never seen this message (?new to dnf?) and mis-read it as "obsoleting freshclam" rather than "freshclam obsoletes clamav-update". All I can say is "opps" and accept the egg on my face.

Once again,

ps: i will let you close bug to make sure you get this reply from me

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-08-29 22:54 Paul Newell New Issue
2023-08-29 22:54 Paul Newell File Added: yum_check-update_28aug23.png
2023-08-30 00:14 Louis Abel Assigned To => Louis Abel
2023-08-30 00:14 Louis Abel Status new => closed
2023-08-30 00:14 Louis Abel Resolution open => won't fix
2023-08-30 00:14 Louis Abel Note Added: 0004461
2023-09-02 03:50 Paul Newell Status closed => feedback
2023-09-02 03:50 Paul Newell Resolution won't fix => reopened
2023-09-02 03:50 Paul Newell Note Added: 0004492