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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008812Rocky-Linux-9checkpolicypublic2025-01-09 18:34
ReporterJohn Griffiths Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformX86_64OSRocky LinuxOS Version9.5
Summary0008812: sedismod does not disassemble a selinux mod file into a te file
Descriptioncheckpolicy-3.6-1.el9.x86_64 contains sedismod which is supposed to disassemble a selinux policy.mod file into a policy.te file.

sedismod policy.mod should disassemble the mod file into a se file. It does not.

Instead of disassembling the mod file into a te file, it presents a menu.
Steps To ReproduceI am using snappy as an example.

Extract a pp file from selinux: semodule -E snappy
Extract the .mod File from the .pp File: semodule_unpackage snappy.pp snappy.mod

Try to disassemble the mod file into a te file:
sedismod snappy.mod
Additional Informationsedismod and similarly sedispol are important when working with selinux policies.

The version of checkpolicy that was in Fedora 39 worked correctly.
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-09 18:34 John Griffiths New Issue