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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006997Rocky-Linux-9sambapublic2024-06-03 18:16
ReporterNeel Chauhan Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0006997: "Domain Controller unreachable, using cached credentials instead" if system started when Samba Domain Controller is down
DescriptionI run a Rocky Linux 9 home server and one of the services is a Samba Domain Controller in a FreeBSD 14.0 VM on the Rocky host.

When I log in after booting the system, I get this error:

Domain Controller unreachable, using cached credentials instead. Network resources may be unavailable

I can solve this if I restart winbind via systemd after the DC boots up.


neel@fedora:~$ ssh neel@
neel@'s password:
Domain Controller unreachable, using cached credentials instead. Network resources may be unavailable
Domain Controller unreachable, using cached credentials instead. Network resources may be unavailable
Last login: Mon Jun 3 14:08:20 2024 from
[neel@twin ~]$ sudo su
[root@twin neel]# systemctl restart winbind.service
[root@twin neel]# exit
[neel@twin ~]$ exit
Connection to closed.
neel@fedora:~$ ssh neel@
neel@'s password:
Last login: Mon Jun 3 14:09:58 2024 from
[neel@twin ~]$ ls
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-06-03 18:16 Neel Chauhan New Issue