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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005842Rocky-Linux-9Generalpublic2024-05-15 05:47
ReporterAleksej Korn Assigned ToRelease Engineering  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Summary0005842: Rocky9.3XFCE translation bug that IS in rocky.
After fresh install of xfce version of Rocky 9.3 there is one single non-translated category in applications menu.
It has a translation, but it looks for file named Directory.desktop in folder /usr/share/desktop-directory
There is no file with such name there on rocky, yet it has file
Which contains ALL translations for this category.
So i did "sudo cp" and i got my translation*.

Please, do copy too in official distro, or make a symlink.
Having single one application not translated is a big ugly. And since there is no file, i suppose all non-EN locales see it a "Documentation" in English instead of translation. Especially it says only "About Xfce" entry (which is translated itself too.
I asked xfce people on irc and they said they dont even support this translation and even gave me link to sources. So its not xfce bug, or please tell me what to say to xfce about this, if its "not in rocky". (rhel doesnt have xfce version, so its probably not upstream issue)

*- I also edited format. For some reason it has its description (icon and category) below all translations. I made file looking like other ones in that folder (description aboce translarions) + removed line with UTF8 since others dont have it.
In any case not having a file is the main issue here even if it dont like formatting too.
Steps To ReproduceTry to use non English gui in official Rocky 9.3 XFCE build.
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Attached Files
111.png (70,622 bytes)   
111.png (70,622 bytes)   


Aleksej Korn

Aleksej Korn

2024-02-22 15:42

reporter   ~0006106

Also i edited icon to be applications-other, just like on screenshot ive just attached.
Because this looks more like documentation icon than the one is used actually (some lifeline icon).
IMO applications-other is much more apropriate icon for documentation, than actual documentation icon.

So this is also a feature request
Louis Abel

Louis Abel

2024-02-22 15:53

administrator   ~0006107

Thank you for the report.

XFCE, being a live image we provide, does not come from the Rocky Linux repositories. The packages actually come from EPEL, which is maintained by the Fedora Project. As such, the translation issue may be caused inadvertently by the XFCE maintainer(s) in EPEL.

I would recommend either asking #epel in Libera or Matrix, or opening a bug report at on your issue.
Aleksej Korn

Aleksej Korn

2024-02-22 19:45

reporter   ~0006108
Created ticket for epel. package is garcon, not xfce4-panel as i set there initially. i hope someone will change that later.
Thanks to epel irc channel for help.
Louis Abel

Louis Abel

2024-05-15 05:47

administrator   ~0007100

Issue is/was in EPEL. Closing.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-02-22 15:34 Aleksej Korn New Issue
2024-02-22 15:34 Aleksej Korn File Added: 111.png
2024-02-22 15:42 Aleksej Korn Note Added: 0006106
2024-02-22 15:53 Louis Abel Assigned To => Release Engineering
2024-02-22 15:53 Louis Abel Status new => needinfo
2024-02-22 15:53 Louis Abel Note Added: 0006107
2024-02-22 19:45 Aleksej Korn Note Added: 0006108
2024-05-15 05:47 Louis Abel Status needinfo => closed
2024-05-15 05:47 Louis Abel Resolution open => no change required
2024-05-15 05:47 Louis Abel Note Added: 0007100